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DEI Policies Create A “True Merit-Based System” For Business Profits And Employee Success
Get rid of DEI policies? We’re too far down the road for that. The proof is in the pudding. The research and findings are clear. DEI, despite all the hoopla against it right now, is here to stay. It may go through a battle and even a name change, but the DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) philosophy will still be standing when all is said and done.
See, DEI has proven its value. The leadership and business cases have been made. What we now know is that DEI isn’t simply a nice-to-have or optional approach to recruiting and employing a diverse talent pool. It’s not something you can just throw out like bath water or the latest diet trend.
The research and findings are clear. DEI policies and programs are what make organizations thrive in the 21st century. It’s what pulls in top-notch talent. It’s what makes business more competitive, more influential and more profitable. DEI is key to any business strategy, and it’s a full-blown leadership imperative and philosophy that’s surely here to stay.
DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. Its programs and policies initially came about as a result of the 1960’s anti-discrimination movement and laws to correct discriminatory practices. That’s hugely important. It’s about much more now.
Today, DEI is a philosophy and belief—supported by evidence—that we work better when we bring together the collective intelligence of diverse thinkers, with diverse backgrounds and diverse genders, ethnicities, races, ages, abilities, etc. DEI policies and programs help to bring together diverse cultures, mindsets and perspectives for the collective good of the community that the organization, government or system services.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines DEI as,
When Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg halts DEI initiatives and President Trump shuts down federal DEI policies and programs, fires all federal DEI employees or blames DEI (as he did Thursday) for the FAA tragedy that killed 67 people, they demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding for what DEI is and how beneficial it’s been to making organizations more effective (not less), more responsive and innovative (not less) and more competent and profitable (not less).
President Trump signifies an interest in governments and businesses recruiting highly qualified people to fill positions. We all want this. This is precisely what DEI policies are designed to do. Though no system is going to be perfect, DEI gets us closer to true merit-based recruiting and hiring than anything we’ve ever tried before it.
With DEI policies and programs in place, employers demonstrate (at least an intention) to hire precisely for merit. These policies and programs represent an organization’s values and reflect desires to recruit, hire and promote people based on their individual performance record, knowledge, skills and abilities. DEI—whether via philosophy, values, program or policy—is what we use to ensure that performance, rather than privilege, is the primary basis for getting ahead in the workplace.
DEI experts tell ABC News that,
“diversity, equity and inclusion programs are aimed at creating a true merit-based system, where hiring, salaries, retention and promotions are decided without bias or discrimination toward employees.”
By expanding the candidate pool of talent, company executives and leaders have realized they have better hiring choices and are more profitable because of DEI. The most innovative and competitive companies aren’t going back. Recruiters have learned that talent can be found everywhere and their options are vast because of DEI. The best recruiters aren’t going back. And supervisors and managers have learned that their teams perform better and at higher levels because of DEI. The strategic leaders focused on productivity, innovation and operations aren’t going back.
DEI ensures competent, qualified and talented people are recruited and hired. It also ensures that the pool of applicants is much broader and wider than the one many companies explored before it. None of this gets done without a culture that embraces DEI.
The most effective leaders and managers embody DEI beyond programs, mandates and policies. DEI serves as a philosophy where effective leaders make sure that all employees feel a sense of inclusion and belonging.
Many competencies are important for DEI success, but for leaders who embody it, you’ll find a special bent toward and inclination to demonstrate these three core leadership competencies: (1) cultural intelligence, (2) emotional intelligence and (3) transformational and resonant leadership.
DEI is paramount to organizational, team and leadership success. And nothing has proven as successful at creating and sustaining meritocracy within communities and the workplace as DEI. Again, while not perfect, it’s the best thing we have to get us there.
Employee engagement improves. Innovation and creativity surge. The talent pool for recruitment expands. Profits and the customer bases grow. Strategic communications are better, and branding efforts sustain. These are just a few of the benefits of instituting and embedding a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion and putting the might of leadership behind and through it all.
Despite a challenging business environment, the business case for diverse leadership teams is clear and growing stronger. In this report, our findings also show a statistically significant link between diverse boards and executive teams and higher holistic-impact scores, including on environmental and social measures.Report: Diversity matters even more: The case for holistic impact - McKinsey & Company, December 2023
Before DEI, a person’s career success (hiring, placement, portfolio projects, raises and promotions) might not have anything to do with merit. You could solely—and immediately—be included or excluded in the candidate pool based on nothing more than your gender, race, ethnicity, age, looks, friendships, family money, etc.
DEI has been designed and put in place to prevent this when possible. But even with DEI in place, it’s too often the case that meritless considerations are used to help people get ahead in life and in their careers. By meritless, I mean circumstances that have nothing to do with performance, knowledge, skills, abilities or education such as who you know, who they know, political affiliations, family legacy programs, beauty and attractiveness, transactional power plays, etc.
DEI isn’t about quotas. This is what people get wrong. DEI is not about putting unqualified people in jobs or hiring individuals because of gender, ethnicity, race, age, sexual preference, etc. It’s about hiring individuals—because they are highly qualified—regardless of their gender, ethnicity, race, age, sexual preference, etc. And, it’s about doing so with the knowledge that many people have historically been marginalized and disregarded as suitable job candidates precisely because of these factors.
DEI is a key solution to buttress merit-based employment systems. It’s not the problem.