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July 31, 2023

Slaying The Tech Game: Empowering Millennial Women Of Color To Excel In Career And Attain Life Balance

Being an ambitious women in tech comes with wins and sacrifice and identifying as a Black woman puts another layer of pressure to achieve and navigate stereotypes. As women of color, career status is important because you are honoring your family, creating generational wealth, and building a foundation for a better life longterm. However, at what price […]

Being an ambitious women in tech comes with wins and sacrifice and identifying as a Black woman puts another layer of pressure to achieve and navigate stereotypes. As women of color, career status is important because you are honoring your family, creating generational wealth, and building a foundation for a better life longterm. However, at what price are millennial women of color paying to be the ambitious woman in the workplace? The dream promotion, the title, the status of achieving and reaching new career levels comes with many perks including a high salary, but it also comes with higher expectations, longer dedicated hours, and additional pressures, which if balance isn’t put in place the prime years of millennial women quickly pass and the thoughts of having it all slowly turn into calculated decisions and potential tradeoff’s that can effect your longterm personal life.

Women Psychological Well-Being Breaking Stereotypes And Forging Paths

This shift has brought about new challenges, leading to heightened stress and strain for many working women according to recent studies. Historically, women of color have faced numerous challenges in the tech industry. According to a survey conducted in 2013, 58% of working Millennial mothers (ages 18 to 32) expressed that balancing their roles as both a mother and a professional makes it more challenging for them to progress in their careers. The lack of representation, gender bias, and racial discrimination made it challenging for them to gain footholds in this domain. However, through sheer determination and resilience, they have shattered these barriers, proving their mettle as tech leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

Tips To Empower Ambitious Millennial Women of Color: Balancing Career, Family, and Self-Love

The concept of work-life balance is flawed as it portrays work as separate from our lives, whereas it should be integrated for a harmonious existence. Instead of focusing on managing work and home separately, what women truly require is institutional support that recognizes and embraces the unique challenges faced by career-oriented women in today’s society.

Women’s role are evolving everyday, and with increased dedication to both their careers and making time for personal goals such as building a family, focusing on passion projects, and most important setting boundaries and betting on themselves is the new standard. It is possible for ambitious women to have it all, but it will take balance and prioritization.

Achieving Balance:

One significant aspect of the journey for women of color in tech has been finding a delicate balance between their careers and personal lives. As their responsibilities at work and home have grown, they have demonstrated an innate ability to navigate both worlds with grace and dedication. Many have embraced flexible work arrangements, remote opportunities, and supportive workplaces that understand the value of a balanced life.

Entrepreneurship and the Rise of Solopreneurs:

In the pursuit of balance and autonomy, an increasing number of women of color in tech are turning towards entrepreneurship. The traditional corporate ladder is no longer the sole path to success. Armed with their technical expertise, these women are venturing into the world of startups and launching their own businesses, determined to make a difference on their terms.

Challenges and Resilience:

While the entrepreneurial journey has its rewards, it also presents unique challenges. Women of color face additional obstacles due to the intersectionality of gender and race. Access to funding, networking opportunities, and breaking into established networks can be more challenging. Despite these hurdles, they have exhibited remarkable resilience and have found innovative ways to overcome adversity.

Redefining Success:

For too long, success has been narrowly defined in terms of professional achievements. However, women of color in tech are broadening this definition, emphasizing the importance of personal fulfillment and joy. They are prioritizing their physical and mental well-being, nurturing their families, and cultivating hobbies that bring joy and satisfaction beyond the realm of work.

Supportive Communities and Networks:

In millennial woman’s quest for balance and fulfillment, women of color have formed strong communities and networks. These spaces provide a safe haven for sharing experiences, seeking advice, and fostering mentorship. By uplifting each other, they create a supportive ecosystem that nurtures personal growth and professional development.

As ambitious millennial women of color, the path to achieving both professional success and personal fulfillment may seem challenging, but it is undoubtedly possible. By defining your priorities, setting realistic expectations, fostering a strong support network, embracing flexibility, advocating for yourself, cherishing family time, and prioritizing self-love and care, you can navigate the complexities of life with grace and determination.

Article written by:  Orville Lynch, Jr.
Mr. Lynch, a member of the legendary two-time Ohio Civil Rights Hall of Fame Award winning Lynch Family. Mr. Lynch is a nationally recognized urban media executive with over 20+ years of diversity recruitment and serial entrepreneur with numerous multi-million dollar exits.
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